3 Wheeled BRC (3WBRC) Frequently Asked Questions

Each 3-Wheeled Basic RiderCourse has at least 9 hours of hands-on instruction. Generally, we schedule classes over a two-day period. Other schedules may become available. Curriculum content of each class is identical, and all scheduling options qualify for the NYS 3W road test waiver.

In addition to the 9 hours on the range, participants will receive access to the MSF’s ePackage 1 eCourse, a 5-hour online course that covers the basics of motorcycling. The eCourse is fun and easy to use with lots of graphics and videos to help you learn. You will need to complete the eCourse within the 30 days prior to your BRC course dates and you must remember to bring the completion certificate (or a screenshot) to class with you.

You can see the full schedule, plus availability for each location, by clicking here.

Enrolling in a RiderCourse indicates that you have reviewed and agree to our POLICIES.

3WBRC Confirmation Links

On-Road Safety Video

BRP REP Safety Video